S.o.S. has committed to raise $10,000 for the drilling of 2 new water wells - one for the orphanage and one near the orphanage gate as a goodwill and prevenative health measure to the surrounding community as their drinking sources are also contaminated, causing much sickness.
Aside from financial donations for the wells, we are also requesting donations of MULTI-VITAMINS and PAIN RELIEVERS for adults and children that we can send in the container. Since these items are very heavy, we would like to send them in advance for our next trip there in January 2010. There will be a donation bin in the lobby and the van parked outside the main side entrance with signs asking you to "FILL 'er UP"!
We took 25,000 vitamins to Haiti on the last trip and ran out. Vitamins are very effective in improving the nutritional deficiencies that cause so many illnesses - this one item can make a huge impact on a person's nutritional health as we have seen over and over again!
Ways to donate towards the Haiti project:
- New Hope tithe envelope (specify "S.o.S. HAITI")
- Make a "DROP IN THE BUCKET" in New Hope's children's Sabbath School classes and kids church during offering time
- Mail a check to New Hope at 12350 Hall Shop Rd., Fulton MD 20759
- Donate through online giving at lookingforachurch.org